Monday, August 25, 2008

Spirit of Life

OMG! I had Garrrett check out my blog today and I'm thinking, "he is going to think that I am so cool.....a mom with a blog!" But, nooooooooo, he says, "you sound old". OLD, OLD? Geez, my bubble has been burst!

Anyway, I want to tell you what has been going on in our life lately. As some of you know we have been searching for a new church for the past 2 1/2 years .........basically waiting for our friend Doug Rudow to start a church. It has finally happened and we are soooooooo excited! God is going to do wonderful things through this church. It is called Spirit of Life. It is growing fast and we are now moving to a temporary facility in Mt.Zion, the Mt. Zion Civic Center. I believe that it won't be long before we are bursting out of the seams there also. I hope that you will all visit won't be sorry.


1 comment:

lorie hartman said...

Hi, Kendra, This is Tammi's sister, Lorie. I just started my own blog also, and I got the SAME reaction out of my boys! They are probably just thinking that now I'll be kicking them off the computer more often so I can get on it! I really like your blog page! I'd also like to check out this new Church sometime, too!
Take care!